CDL Hazmat Test 2025 Questions Answers:

CDL Hazmat Test 2025 Questions Answers: This CDL Hazmat Practice Test contains roughly 35 questions and answers with explanations that are very similar or sometimes the same as the official CDL Hazmat Test.

Pass your state’s Hazmat Test with confidence! Our free CDL Hazardous Materials (HazMat) endorsement test study guides include multiple-choice with true/false questions with answers covering all CDL H: Hazardous Material (required to transport hazardous materials; requires a Knowledge test and the TSA Threat Assessment).

To get the endorsement, simply go to your state’s Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), request the Tanker Endorsement Knowledge Test and pay the fees, which average around twenty dollars.

CDL Hazmat Test 2025 Questions Answers:

HazMat (H), combination Tank-HazMat (X), and Farm-HazMat (Z) endorsements — required to haul hazardous materials or waste in amounts that require placards or any quantity of a material listed as a select agent or toxin in 42 CFR 73

CDL Hazmat Test 2025

Test Name CDL Practice Test 2025
Language English
License Endorsements Permit
Total Questions 25 sample questions answers
Test For Commercial Driver License
Test Preparation Hazardous Material Endorsements
Country USA
Explanation Yes
0 votes, 0 avg

CDL Hazardous Material Practice Test

1 / 25

Can you load Silver Cyanide and battery acids in the same vehicle?

2 / 25

Drivers placard their vehicle in order to ___ the risk.

3 / 25

What does RQ stand for?

4 / 25

Where must shipping papers be kept?

5 / 25

Which hazard classes should not be loaded into a trailer that has a heater/air conditioner unit?

6 / 25

Regulations require that hazardous materials employees be trained and tested at least once every how many years?

7 / 25

Shippers package in order to ___ the risk

8 / 25

What type of fire extinguisher must placarded vehicles carry?

9 / 25

How close to the traveled part of the roadway can you park with Division 1.2 or 1.3 materials?

10 / 25

How close can you park to a bridge, tunnel, or building with the Division 1.1, 1.2. Or 1.3 materials?

11 / 25

All of the following are things you need to know to decide which placards (if any) you need, except?

12 / 25

Your engine runs a pump used during delivery of compressed gases. You should turn off the engine before unhooking the hose.

13 / 25

Flammable solids only catch fire when exposed to heat.

14 / 25

At a rest area you discover your hazardous materials shipments slowly leaking from the vehicle. There is a no phone around. What should you do?

15 / 25

Never smoke around the following hazard classes: Class 1 (Explosives), Class 2.1 (Flammable Gas), Class 3 (Flammable Liquids), Class 4 (Flammable Solids), Class 5 (Oxidizers).

16 / 25

Which class of material requires a “transport index”?

17 / 25

The Emergency Response Guide is a guidebook for firefighters, police, and industry workers on how to protect themselves and public from hazardous materials.

18 / 25

A hazardous materials ID number must appear on the ___ and on the ___. The ID number must also appear on cargo tanks and other bulk packaging.

19 / 25

The floor lining for Division 1.1, 1.2, or 1.3 explosives should be stainless steel.

20 / 25

Some localities prohibit transportation of hazardous materials through tunnels, over bridges, or other roadways.

21 / 25

If your placarded trailer has dual tires, how often should you check the tires?

22 / 25

Bulk packaging permanently attached to a vehicle is known as

23 / 25

The transport index of all packages in single vehicle must not exceed

24 / 25

A safe haven is a approved place for parking unattended vehicles loaded with explosives.

25 / 25

If you are carrying less than 100 pounds of Division 4.3 (Dangerous when wet) materials, you do not need to stop before a railroad-highway crossing.

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