CDL Air Brakes Knowledge Test 2025

CDL Air Brakes Knowledge Test 2025: Try our free  Commercial Driver’s License (CDL)  Endorsements Air Brakes Permit Test. There are 30 sample questions and answers for better CDL written exam preparation.

Air brakes use compressed air to make the brakes work. You can apply all the braking force you need to each of the wheels of a heavy vehicle, even units pulling two or three trailers. Air brakes are a safe way of stopping large vehicles if the brakes are well-maintained and used properly. However, you must know more about air brakes than you need to know about the simpler brake systems used on light vehicles.

CDL Air Brakes Knowledge Test 2025

CDL Air Brakes Knowledge Test 2025

Test Name CDL Practice Test 2025
Language English
License Endorsements Permit
Total Questions 30 MCQs
Test For Commercial Driver License
Test Preparation  Air Brake Endorsements
Country USA
Answers Yes
0 votes, 0 avg

CDL Air Brakes Knowledge Test

CDL Air Brakes Knowledge Test

1 / 30

Air brakes use

2 / 30

Foundation brakes are used

3 / 30

The braking power of spring brakes depends on

4 / 30

How often should you drain your air tanks?

5 / 30

When should you NOT use the parking brakes?

6 / 30

Most newer heavy-duty vehicles use dual air brake systems for safety. A dual air brake system has

7 / 30

Which of the following pumps air into the air storage tanks?

8 / 30

The main purpose of the alcohol evaporator is to

9 / 30

Which of the following is a proper technique in using controlled braking?

10 / 30

The most common foundation brake is the

11 / 30

Why, on long downhill grades, do experts recommend using a low gear and light steady pressure instead of on-again, off-again braking?

12 / 30

During the walkaround inspection, if a slack adjuster moves slightly more than an inch where the push rod attaches to it, then

13 / 30

A safety relief valve is installed in the first tank the air compressor pumps air to. The valve is usually set to open at what psi level?

14 / 30

You have a fully-charged air system (125 psi). After turning off the engine and releasing the service brake, what are the maximum leakage rates per minute for both single and combination vehicles?

15 / 30

Before driving a vehicle with a dual air system, allow time for the air compressor to build up to 100 psi pressure in which of the following?

16 / 30

When braking on downgrades,

17 / 30

What protects the tank and the rest of the air system from too much pressure?

18 / 30

If your truck or bus has dual parking control valves, you can use pressure from a separate tank to:

19 / 30

In checking that the spring brakes come on automatically, you should not

20 / 30

The low-air-pressure warning light must come on before the air pressure in the tanks falls below what psi level?

21 / 30

Which of the following statements is true?

22 / 30

ou are driving a vehicle at 55 mph on dry pavement under good traction and brake conditions. What is the approximate total stopping distance needed to bring your vehicle to a complete stop?

23 / 30

Air brake systems are three braking systems combined. They are

24 / 30

Which of the following tells you how much pressure there is in the air tanks?

25 / 30

Pressing and releasing the brake pedal quickly and repeatedly

26 / 30

Spring brakes do which of the following?

27 / 30

During walkaround inspections of your vehicle, which parts of the air brake system should be checked?

28 / 30

What should you do if the low-air-pressure warning comes on?

29 / 30

The brake system that applies and releases the brakes when the driver uses the brake pedal is the _____________ brake system.

30 / 30

Total stopping distance for air brakes is longer than that for hydraulic brakes due to ________ distance

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