G1 Rules of the Road Practice Test 2025 Ontario

G1 Rules of the Road Practice Test 2025 Ontario (UPDATED): In this Practice test you can try a total of 50 multiple choice question answers with explanation.  In addition, you can also download printable PDF.

Ontario’s roads accommodate many road users, including pedestrians, motorcycles, bicycles, large trucks, buses and farm machinery. Be aware of other road users, the speed at which they travel and the space they occupy on the road. There you must know the basic rules of the Road knowledge.

G1 Rules of the Road Practice Test 2025 Ontario

In Ontario the rules of the road, safe driving practices and how to get a licence to drive a car, van or small truck. The ministry recommends that all drivers would benefit from taking an advanced course in driver training. The following G1 Rules of the Road Practice Test 2022 Ontario is free. You can try more practice test.

G1 Rules of the Road Practice Test 2025 Ontario

Ontario is a road safety leader in Canada and North America. The Ministry of Transportation has introduced a range of measures to maintain this record and to improve the behaviour of all drivers.

Name of the test G1 Ontario Driving Practice Test
Class G1 and G2
Test Type Computer Based Test
Total Questions 50 Multiple Choice
Topics Rules of the Road
Langauge English
Printable PDF Yet to come!
Requirements Canadian Citizenship
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G1 Practice Test on Rules of the Road

G1 Practice Test on Rules of the Road
Total Question: 50
Passing Marks: 80%
Explanation Available: YES
Language: English

1 / 50

If someone is tailgating you, what should you do?

2 / 50

When a car is stopped to allow a pedestrian to cross the street at a marked crosswalk, you should

3 / 50

In Ontario, there is a seat belt law

4 / 50

What insurance protection does the owner get who pays the uninsured motor vehicle fee?

5 / 50

Every accident must be reported to the police where there is personal injury or when the damage exceed

6 / 50

Upon approaching a Yield-sign, what does the law require you to do?

7 / 50

If you are involved in a reportable accident how soon must you make a report to your nearest provincial or municipal police officer?

At any intersection where you want to turn left or right, you must yield the right-of-way. If you are turning left, you must wait for approaching traffic to pass or turn and for pedestrians in or approaching your path to cross. If you are turning right, you must wait for pedestrians to cross if they are in or approaching your path

8 / 50

If a traffic signal changes while a pedestrian is still in the intersection, what you must do?

9 / 50

When you are approaching the spot designated for the streetcar to take on or discharge passengers, what are you supposed to do.


10 / 50

While travelling on a highway, the driver of a motor vehicle is not permitted to carry, in a house or boat trailer

11 / 50

When does the law require lights on vehicles to be turned on?

12 / 50

If you have G1 or G2 Licence. What is the maximum level of blood alcohol concentration you could have ?

13 / 50

If a traffic signal changes while a pedestrian is still in the street, which of the following has the right-of-way?

14 / 50

At an intersection where there is a flashing amber (yellow) traffic light, you must

15 / 50

When on the streets designed for two way traffic, hear the siren of an emergency vehicle, what does the law require you to do?

16 / 50

When 15 or more Demerit Points have accumulated on a record, the driver’s licence is suspended

17 / 50

If you are a teenage driver aged 19 or under and in the first six months of receiving your G2 licence. How many passengers are you allowed to carry between midnight and 5 a.m.?

18 / 50

A person whose driver’s licence is under suspension, may

19 / 50

When approaching an intersection where a stop sign faces you, what does the law require you to do?

20 / 50

Which of the following has the right-of-way over all others at an intersection when the signal light is green?

21 / 50

What documents may a police officer require a motor vehicle owner to produce?

22 / 50

If the signal light changes from green to amber as you approach an intersection, what should you do?

23 / 50

Before leaving your car parked on a downgrade, you should:

24 / 50

When driving in heavy fog, you should use

25 / 50

If you want to pass a motorcycle, you should

26 / 50

If you have G1 or G2 Licence and you are driving under influence of alcohol?

27 / 50

If you waiting in the intersection to make left-hand turn Lights turn red, What you should do?

28 / 50

When a streetcar is stopped to take on or discharge passengers, where there is no safety zone, what does the law require you to do before passing the streetcar?

29 / 50

When approaching a railway crossing at which an electrical or mechanical signal device is warning of the approach of a train you must

30 / 50

When the traffic signal-light facing you is red and you intend to go straight through the intersection, what must you do?

31 / 50

Under what circumstances may a driver’ licence be cancelled?

32 / 50

Upon approaching an intersection marked with a “yield” sign, you are required to:

33 / 50

The broken centre line on a roadway means you may:

34 / 50

You should under all conditions drive at a speed which will allow you to

35 / 50

When lights are required, drivers must use lower beam headlights when following another vehicle

36 / 50

Upon approaching a stop sign, a driver must

37 / 50

In what position on the roadway must you be before making a left turn from a one-way traffic street?

38 / 50

Overdriving your headlights at night is dangerous because

39 / 50

When lights are required, drivers are required to use low beam headlights?

40 / 50

If you refuse to give Brerthlizer test or blood test or you have more than allowed alcohol in your blood or breath than for how long your licence could be suspended right way.

41 / 50

Never change lanes in traffic without

42 / 50

Before moving your car from a parked position, you should

43 / 50

If you are a teenage driver with your G2 licence for 6 months and until you obtain your full G licence or turn 20, how many passengers are you allowed to carry between midnight and 5 a.m.

44 / 50

When driving a motor vehicle on the highway at night you should use low beam headlight (dim lights) When:

45 / 50

Should your right wheels drop off the roadway, what is the best way to get back on the roadway?

driving 50 km/h or more above the posted speed limit on roads with a speed If convicted, you could face a fine and at least a 30-day licence suspension.

46 / 50

Which of the following penalties can the court impose on a person convicted of driving 50 km/h (30 m.p.h.) or more over the speed limit?

47 / 50

As a level one (G1) driver, you must be accompanied by a class G or higher licensed driver, who has the following driving experience more than

48 / 50

Failing to stop for a school bus that is unloading passengers will

49 / 50

A “School Bus”, with red signal lights flashing, is stopped on a highway that has no median strip. What does the law require you to do when meeting or overtaking the bus?

50 / 50

The Ministry of Transportation and Communications may suspend a licence after a 9 Demerit Point interview

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