Slippery Road Sign 2024 [Updated] What Does it Mean?

Learn about the Slippery Road sign in the USA, including its definition, examples of where it’s typically placed, and safety tips for driving in wet or icy conditions. Discover how to respond when encountering the sign and why it’s important to adjust your driving behavior to the conditions. With this helpful guide, you can stay safe on the road and prevent accidents caused by slippery road conditions.

Slippery Road Sign

The Slippery Road sign is an important warning sign that alerts drivers to potential hazards ahead, such as wet or icy road conditions. By obeying the sign and adjusting their driving behavior accordingly, drivers can reduce the risk of accidents and promote safer driving practices.

Slippery Road Sign (USA): What Does it mean?


The Slippery Road sign is a warning sign that indicates that the road ahead is likely to be wet, icy, or otherwise slippery, making driving conditions potentially hazardous.


The purpose of the Slippery Road sign is to alert drivers to potential hazards ahead and to encourage them to adjust their driving accordingly. Wet or icy road conditions can reduce traction and increase stopping distances, making it more difficult to control a vehicle. By placing the Slippery Road sign in areas where the road surface may be slick, drivers are given advance warnings to slow down and adjust their driving behavior to the conditions.

Slippery Road Sign USA Advisory messaging and warning flashers for the study (1)


If you’re driving on a rainy day and come across a bridge or overpass, you may see a Slippery Road sign to alert you that the road surface may be slick due to the rain.


The Slippery Road sign is a diamond-shaped sign, with the point of the diamond pointing upwards. This is a standard shape for warning signs in the USA.


The Slippery Road sign is typically placed in areas where the road surface may become slick and hazardous due to rain, ice, or other conditions. These areas may include bridges, overpasses, and shaded areas where the sun doesn’t dry the road as quickly. The sign may be placed at a distance from the hazardous area, to give drivers sufficient time to slow down and adjust their driving.


The Slippery Road sign has a yellow-green background with black lettering and symbols. The use of yellow-green is intended to make the sign more visible, especially in low light or overcast conditions. The black lettering and symbols provide a strong contrast against the background, making them easy to read and understand.


Here are some multiple choice questions with answers related to the Slippery Road sign in the USA:

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Slippery Road Sign - Quiz

Slippery Road Sign (USA)
Type: Multiple-Choice Questions
Total Items: 10
Passing Marks: 80%
Time Limit: N/A

1 / 10

What should drivers do when they encounter the Slippery Road sign?

2 / 10

Which of the following speed limits when driving on slippery roads?

3 / 10

Where is the Slippery Road sign commonly found?

4 / 10

What is the purpose of the Slippery Road sign?

5 / 10

What shape is the Slippery Road sign?

6 / 10

What should drivers do if their vehicle starts to hydroplane on a wet road?

7 / 10

What is the recommended following distance for driving on a wet or slippery road?

8 / 10

What should drivers do when they encounter the Slippery Road sign and there is no visible water or ice on the road?

9 / 10

Where is the Slippery Road sign typically placed?

10 / 10

What color is the background of the Slippery Road sign?

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The average score is 80%

Important points To Remember

  1. The Slippery Road sign is a warning sign that alerts drivers to potential hazards ahead, such as wet, icy, or otherwise slippery road conditions.
  2. The sign is diamond-shaped with a yellow-green background and black lettering and symbols.
  3. The sign is typically placed in areas where the road surface may become slick and hazardous, such as bridges, overpasses, and shaded areas.
  4. The purpose of the sign is to encourage drivers to adjust their driving behavior to the conditions and prevent accidents.
  5. Drivers should slow down and avoid sudden movements when encountering the Slippery Road sign to reduce the risk of hydroplaning or losing control of their vehicle.
  6. It’s important to stay calm and steer in the direction of the skid if hydroplaning occurs, rather than overcorrecting and potentially causing an accident.
  7. Always obey warning signs and adjust your driving behavior to the conditions to promote safer driving practices and prevent accidents on the road.

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