Serving It Right Exam Practice Test & Question Answers 2023: You can join our free online course. It will help you to prepare for your SIR Online Certificate Course better. We provide free quizzes, practice tests, and sample question answers. Having a Serving it Right certificate is necessary for those applying to work in restaurant/pub settings that serve alcohol.
The Serving It Right program was initiated during a provincial liquor policy review in 1987. During the review’s public hearings, representatives from virtually all types of licensed establishments requested a mandatory responsible beverage service (RBS) program for BC. More than 20 similar public and private sector programs were reviewed in order to develop the original program. Serving It Right differed from these other programs in that it was a joint initiative of
both the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch and the hospitality industry.
What is Serving It Right (SIR)?
Serving It Right (SIR) British Columbia’s B.C.’s Responsible Beverage Service Program. Serving It Right, Special Event Server, and Selling it Right are British Columbia’s mandatory self-study courses that educate licensees, permittees, managers, and servers about their legal responsibilities when serving and selling liquor and selling cannabis.
Serving It Right (SIR) is British Columbia’s responsible liquor sales and service program for industry workers that everyone involved in the sale and service of liquor has to take. It is designed to help make sure that the service and sale of liquor are done according to law and in a way that keeps customers, guests, and others safe from alcohol-related harms.
The course provides effective techniques to prevent problems related to the service of liquor. You will also receive Pandemic Training with a Serving It Right lens where we will use current guidelines and information.
Serving It Right Exam Practice Test & Question Answers
- Module 1 Serving It Right Practice Test
- Module 2: Serving It Right Practice Test Quiz
- Module 3: Serving It Right Exam Test
- Serving It Right Practice Test 2025 Study Guide [PDF] (by
Serving It Right Exam
Responsible beverage service doesn’t end with SIR certification. You’ll continue to develop your skills through practice and work experience—you could even seek out further training. Remember, SIR certification must be renewed every five years.
In order to receive your Selling It Right certificate, you must pass a multiple-choice exam, consisting of 30 randomly generated questions. The pass rate is 80%. There are 3 attempts per exam.
Course Name | Serving It Right (SIR) |
Province | British Columbia, Canada |
Mode of test | Online Computer Based Test |
Total number of questions | 35 multiple choice |
Minimum Passing Marks | 80% (This means answering 28 (or more) of the 35 questions correctly.) |
Maximum no. of attempts | There are 3 attempts per exam. |
Exam Time Limit | no time limit |
Language Offered | English |
Online Exam Cost | $35 |
Certification Validity | 5 years |
Minimum Age | N/A |
Serving It Right Course Guide
The course provides effective techniques to prevent problems related to the service of liquor and covers topics
Module 1: Alcohol and Your Legal Responsibilities
- In Module 1, you’ll learn about the legal requirements for serving alcohol—both for you and your establishment.
You’ll find out what is meant by a “duty of care,” and you’ll see some of the potential consequences of failing to meet your legal obligations.
- In Module 2, you learned about intoxication and impairment. So how do you prevent intoxication? And what can you do to stop someone from driving while impaired?
- Drinking is a personal choice. If you choose to drink, these guidelines can help you decide when, where, why and how. Low-risk drinking helps to promote a culture of moderation and supports healthy lifestyles.
- In this final module, you will see how two staff members, Steven and Christie, comply with the law, identify and deal with signs of intoxication and follow an effective RBS system at their establishment.
Study Guide:
A print version of the program is also available for those who do not wish to take the course online. The fastest, easiest (and greenest) way to get your SIR certificate is online at
- Canada’s Low-Risk Alcohol Drinking Guidelines.
The online program is convenient and offers quizzes to help you learn the materials. You will receive your test results immediately. Upon successful completion, you can also print out your SIR certificate right away.