Firefighter Written Exam Practice Test 2024 Free Online Quiz

Firefighter Written Exam Practice Test 2024 Free Online Quiz. This practice exam consists of 42 multiple-choice questions in the following areas: memory and observation, reading comprehension, verbal expression, spatial relations, judgment, and following procedures.

Normally, you would have about three hours for this test; however, for now, don’t worry about timing. Just take the test in as relaxed a manner as you can. The answer sheet you should use for answering the questions is on the following page. Then comes the exam itself, and after that is the answer key, with each correct answer explained. The answer key is followed by a section on how to score your exam.

Firefighter Written Exam Practice Test 2024 Free Online Quiz

Firefighter Written Exam Practice Test

Name of the Exam Firefighter Exam
Country USA
Exam Type Ability Test (Written Exam)
Time Duration N/A
Number of Question 42
Question Type Sample Multiple Choice Questions
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Firefighter Written Exam Practice Test

1 / 42

Firefighter Camillo is driving to a high school to speak to students. He stops for a red light at Lucas Drive, and when the light turns green, he drives slowly forward into the intersection of Lucas Drive and Manchester Way. There, his truck is broadsided from the left by a gray, late-model station wagon. Although he is shaken, Firefighter Camillo has not been injured. The driver of the car is also uninjured, but he accuses Firefighter Camillo of having driven through the red light. Someone in a nearby building saw the accident and phoned the police, who arrive within minutes. Which of the following reports would Firefighter Camillo give to the police to describe the accident most clearly and accurately?

2 / 42

Firefighters Ellis and Wong have responded to what appears to be a false alarm in the alley behind the building at 1412 Longview Avenue. They are about to return to the station when Firefighter Wong notices a suspicious-looking receptacle in one of the dumpsters. When Firefighter Ellis agrees that this receptacle may possibly contain an explosive, the two workers follow department policy by keeping people away from the area and phoning the police department. Which of the following reports describes the situation most clearly and accurately?

3 / 42

While he is on his way to work at 6:40 A.M., Firefighter Marshall’s car gets a flat tire. He manages to pull the car over to the shoulder of the road and decides to change the tire himself. Though his shift begins at 7:00 A.M., he now estimates that he will not arrive on the job until about 7:20 A.M. He phones his supervisor to report that he will be late. Which of the following reports most clearly and accurately describes the situation?

4 / 42

Answer the next three questions based on the following information.

The personal safety rope is an important tool in the fire service; it serves as a last resort rescue tool for trapped firefighters and fire victims. For that reason, the rope must never be used for any other purpose than life safety. Each firefighter is issued a safety rope and storage bag that must be carried into an incident as part of his or her personal protective equipment. Each firefighter must take personal responsibility for the care of the rope and bag and is responsible for inspecting the rope prior to each shift to ensure it is in good condition and properly stored.A firefighter must remove a safety rope from service if any of the following conditions are met:

  • 1. The rescue rope has been used in an escape or to carry out a rescue.
  • 2. The strands are found to be frayed.
  • 3. The rope shows any sign of abrasion or fraying of strands
  • 4. The rope has been exposed to flame or extreme heat.
  • 5. The rope is stained or discolored.
  • 6. The rope has been frozen.
  • 7. The rope has been exposed to any chemical.
  • 8. There is any doubt or uncertainty as to the rope’s suitability for service.

Question 3: During a preshift inspection of the rescue rope, Firefighter Suarez notices a slight discoloration on some of the strands. According to the passage, she must

5 / 42

Answer the next three questions based on the following information.

The personal safety rope is an important tool in the fire service; it serves as a last resort rescue tool for trapped firefighters and fire victims. For that reason, the rope must never be used for any other purpose than life safety. Each firefighter is issued a safety rope and storage bag that must be carried into an incident as part of his or her personal protective equipment. Each firefighter must take personal responsibility for the care of the rope and bag and is responsible for inspecting the rope prior to each shift to ensure it is in good condition and properly stored.A firefighter must remove a safety rope from service if any of the following conditions are met:

  • 1. The rescue rope has been used in an escape or to carry out a rescue.
  • 2. The strands are found to be frayed.
  • 3. The rope shows any sign of abrasion or fraying of strands
  • 4. The rope has been exposed to flame or extreme heat.
  • 5. The rope is stained or discolored.
  • 6. The rope has been frozen.
  • 7. The rope has been exposed to any chemical.
  • 8. There is any doubt or uncertainty as to the rope’s suitability for service.

Question 2: Firefighter Kwon used his rescue rope to act as a safety line for a mother and child exiting from the third floor to the aerial ladder just below. After he recovers the rope, it should be

6 / 42

Answer the next three questions based on the following information.

The personal safety rope is an important tool in the fire service; it serves as a last resort rescue tool for trapped firefighters and fire victims. For that reason, the rope must never be used for any other purpose than life safety. Each firefighter is issued a safety rope and storage bag that must be carried into an incident as part of his or her personal protective equipment. Each firefighter must take personal responsibility for the care of the rope and bag and is responsible for inspecting the rope prior to each shift to ensure it is in good condition and properly stored.A firefighter must remove a safety rope from service if any of the following conditions are met:

  • 1. The rescue rope has been used in an escape or to carry out a rescue.
  • 2. The strands are found to be frayed.
  • 3. The rope shows any sign of abrasion or fraying of strands
  • 4. The rope has been exposed to flame or extreme heat.
  • 5. The rope is stained or discolored.
  • 6. The rope has been frozen.
  • 7. The rope has been exposed to any chemical.
  • 8. There is any doubt or uncertainty as to the rope’s suitability for service.

Question 1: Which of the following situations would NOT be a reason to place your personal rescue rope out of service?

7 / 42

Answer this question based on your best judgment and common sense.

One of the duties of the fire department is to raise public awareness of fire prevention methods. To this end, firefighters often speak with the public at schools, churches, and other meeting places. When speaking to the public, which of the following would NOT be an appropriate subject for a firefighter to address?

8 / 42

Answer the next four questions based solely on the information in the following passage.

Although preserving evidence is not the firefighter’s main priority, certain steps can be taken, while fighting a fire, to maintain site integrity and maximize the efforts of investigators.

Try to determine the point of origin from wind direction or the way the fire is spread. Take note, mentally and on paper, of suspicious people or vehicles. Use ribbon or other practical material to flag potential evidence, such as tracks near the suspected point of origin and items such as matches, bottles, rags, cigarette butts, lighters, paper, or exposed wires. Keep other personnel away from these areas unless doing so would hamper firefighting efforts.

After flagging the evidence,notify the commanding officer as soon as possible. If evidence must be removed, handle it carefully to maintain fingerprint integrity.

Once the fire is declared under control, create a map of the scene, indicating the point of origin and areas where evidence is or was located. Compose an inventory of any evidence that was removed. Record any other useful information, such as conversations with witnesses, names, and descriptions. Before leaving, share your findings with the lead investigator.

Remember, safety is the main priority while you are fighting the fire. But by keeping an alert eye for clues, you can also contribute to an efficient investigation into its cause.

Question 5: According to the passage, fire personnel should be instructed to avoid areas where evidence is found

9 / 42

Answer the next four questions based solely on the information in the following passage.

Although preserving evidence is not the firefighter’s main priority, certain steps can be taken, while fighting a fire, to maintain site integrity and maximize the efforts of investigators.

Try to determine the point of origin from wind direction or the way the fire is spread. Take note, mentally and on paper, of suspicious people or vehicles. Use ribbon or other practical material to flag potential evidence, such as tracks near the suspected point of origin and items such as matches, bottles, rags, cigarette butts, lighters, paper, or exposed wires. Keep other personnel away from these areas unless doing so would hamper firefighting efforts.

After flagging the evidence,notify the commanding officer as soon as possible. If evidence must be removed, handle it carefully to maintain fingerprint integrity.

Once the fire is declared under control, create a map of the scene, indicating the point of origin and areas where evidence is or was located. Compose an inventory of any evidence that was removed. Record any other useful information, such as conversations with witnesses, names, and descriptions. Before leaving, share your findings with the lead investigator.

Remember, safety is the main priority while you are fighting the fire. But by keeping an alert eye for clues, you can also contribute to an efficient investigation into its cause.

Question 4: Which of the following best expresses the main idea of this passage?

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Answer the next four questions based solely on the information in the following passage.

Although preserving evidence is not the firefighter’s main priority, certain steps can be taken, while fighting a fire, to maintain site integrity and maximize the efforts of investigators.

Try to determine the point of origin from wind direction or the way the fire is spread. Take note, mentally and on paper, of suspicious people or vehicles. Use ribbon or other practical material to flag potential evidence, such as tracks near the suspected point of origin and items such as matches, bottles, rags, cigarette butts, lighters, paper, or exposed wires. Keep other personnel away from these areas unless doing so would hamper firefighting efforts.

After flagging the evidence,notify the commanding officer as soon as possible. If evidence must be removed, handle it carefully to maintain fingerprint integrity.

Once the fire is declared under control, create a map of the scene, indicating the point of origin and areas where evidence is or was located. Compose an inventory of any evidence that was removed. Record any other useful information, such as conversations with witnesses, names, and descriptions. Before leaving, share your findings with the lead investigator.

Remember, safety is the main priority while you are fighting the fire. But by keeping an alert eye for clues, you can also contribute to an efficient investigation into its cause.

Question 3: Which of the following would a firefighter NOT necessarily do after the fire is brought under control?

11 / 42

Answer the next four questions based solely on the information in the following passage.

Although preserving evidence is not the firefighter’s main priority, certain steps can be taken, while fighting a fire, to maintain site integrity and maximize the efforts of investigators.

Try to determine the point of origin from wind direction or the way the fire is spread. Take note, mentally and on paper, of suspicious people or vehicles. Use ribbon or other practical material to flag potential evidence, such as tracks near the suspected point of origin and items such as matches, bottles, rags, cigarette butts, lighters, paper, or exposed wires. Keep other personnel away from these areas unless doing so would hamper firefighting efforts.

After flagging the evidence,notify the commanding officer as soon as possible. If evidence must be removed, handle it carefully to maintain fingerprint integrity.

Once the fire is declared under control, create a map of the scene, indicating the point of origin and areas where evidence is or was located. Compose an inventory of any evidence that was removed. Record any other useful information, such as conversations with witnesses, names, and descriptions. Before leaving, share your findings with the lead investigator.

Remember, safety is the main priority while you are fighting the fire. But by keeping an alert eye for clues, you can also contribute to an efficient investigation into its cause.

Question 2: The passage suggests that the first step the firefighter should take after evidence is flagged is to

12 / 42

Answer the next four questions based solely on the information in the following passage.

Although preserving evidence is not the firefighter’s main priority, certain steps can be taken, while fighting a fire, to maintain site integrity and maximize the efforts of investigators.

Try to determine the point of origin from wind direction or the way the fire is spread. Take note, mentally and on paper, of suspicious people or vehicles. Use ribbon or other practical material to flag potential evidence, such as tracks near the suspected point of origin and items such as matches, bottles, rags, cigarette butts, lighters, paper, or exposed wires. Keep other personnel away from these areas unless doing so would hamper firefighting efforts.

After flagging the evidence,notify the commanding officer as soon as possible. If evidence must be removed, handle it carefully to maintain fingerprint integrity.

Once the fire is declared under control, create a map of the scene, indicating the point of origin and areas where evidence is or was located. Compose an inventory of any evidence that was removed. Record any other useful information, such as conversations with witnesses, names, and descriptions. Before leaving, share your findings with the lead investigator.

Remember, safety is the main priority while you are fighting the fire. But by keeping an alert eye for clues, you can also contribute to an efficient investigation into its cause.

Question 1: According to the passage, which of the following is the main responsibility of a firefighter?

13 / 42

Answer this question based on your best judgment and common sense

Firefighter Li is at the scene of a fire caused by damaged wiring. The civilian who owns the building approaches her and complains about the windows broken by firefighters extinguishing the fire. She should

14 / 42

Answer this question based on the following information.

After a fire is put out, the firefighter must routinely write a report on what occurred at the scene. This is normally done back at the firehouse in the following manner:

  • 1. Log on to the computer.
  • 2. Go to the directory that contains the report forms. 3. If there were injuries on the scene, complete report form 103.
  • 4. If there was a death on the scene, complete report form 111.
  • 5. If there was loss of or damage to equipment, complete form 107.
  • 6. If there was no injury, death, equipment loss, or equipment damage, complete form 101.
  • 7. If form 107 and form 103 are required, complete form 122 also.
  • 8. Complete form 106, which is a general report and must be filled out for ALL fire reports.
  • 9. Print and file all forms that have been completed, and fax a copy to division headquarters.

A firefighter is preparing a report on a grass fire that was put out with no injuries, no deaths, and no equipment damage or loss. Which form, in addition to form 101, must the firefighter complete?

15 / 42

Answer this question based on the following information.

After a fire is put out, the firefighter must routinely write a report on what occurred at the scene. This is normally done back at the firehouse in the following manner:

  • 1. Log on to the computer.
  • 2. Go to the directory that contains the report forms. 3. If there were injuries on the scene, complete report form 103.
  • 4. If there was a death on the scene, complete report form 111.
  • 5. If there was loss of or damage to equipment, complete form 107.
  • 6. If there was no injury, death, equipment loss, or equipment damage, complete form 101.
  • 7. If form 107 and form 103 are required, complete form 122 also.
  • 8. Complete form 106, which is a general report and must be filled out for ALL fire reports.
  • 9. Print and file all forms that have been completed, and fax a copy to division headquarters.

A firefighter is filling out fire reports on a fire in which there was one death, no equipment damage or loss, and one injury in addition to the death. Which forms must the firefighter complete?

16 / 42

Answer this question based on the following information.

After a fire is put out, the firefighter must routinely write a report on what occurred at the scene. This is normally done back at the firehouse in the following manner:

  • 1. Log on to the computer.
  • 2. Go to the directory that contains the report forms. 3. If there were injuries on the scene, complete report form 103.
  • 4. If there was a death on the scene, complete report form 111.
  • 5. If there was loss of or damage to equipment, complete form 107.
  • 6. If there was no injury, death, equipment loss, or equipment damage, complete form 101.
  • 7. If form 107 and form 103 are required, complete form 122 also.
  • 8. Complete form 106, which is a general report and must be filled out for ALL fire reports.
  • 9. Print and file all forms that have been completed, and fax a copy to division headquarters.

A firefighter has just returned to the firehouse after a fire and is preparing the necessary report forms. One of the residents of the house that burned was injured and sent to the hospital. Also, one of the fire hoses was damaged. There were no deaths at the fire. Which forms must the firefighter complete?

17 / 42

Answer this question based on your best judgment and common sense.

Firefighter Abbas’s company is doing a building inspection of your favorite restaurant. She knows the owner and all of the servers. She discovers that the restaurant’s permits have all expired; therefore, she should

18 / 42

Answer this question based on your best judgment and common sense.

A fire company is called to a house fire. When the engine arrives at the street supplied by the caller, there is no house at the number given, nor is there a fire elsewhere on the street. Which of the following is NOT a reasonable assumption about false alarms?

19 / 42

Answer this question based on your best judgment and common sense.

In responding to an automobile accident on a limited access highway, Firefighter Venezia finds that the vehicles involved stick out and partially block the left lane and shoulder of the highway. Traffic is very heavy. What should be the first thing he does upon arrival?

20 / 42

Answer this question based on your best judgment and common sense.

Lieutenant James has ordered Firefighter Kimmel to clean his breathing apparatus. While cleaning the apparatus, Firefighter Kimmel drops it and thinks he may have damaged it. The best course of action would be to

21 / 42

Answer this question based on your best judgment and common sense.

Fires below grade, such as in a building’s cellar, are difficult to attack and present a severe hazard of injury to firefighters. Access to and ventilation of this type of fire is frequently very restricted. What would be your first action to ensure safety in a cellar fire incident?

22 / 42

Answer this question based on your best judgment and common sense.

After a fire is extinguished, the water in the hose lines must be removed before the hose lines are reloaded on the fire truck. The best place to remove this water is

23 / 42

Answer the next two questions based on the following information.

Firefighters must routinely fight structure fires that require more water than is carried on the fire truck. Water must be obtained from a fire hydrant. This water is fed through fire hoses to the truck holding tank and then pumped through additional hoses to the fire as needed. Several mechanical devices are used in this process.

  • Wrenches are used to attach the hose to the truck and the hydrant and to turn the hydrant valve.
  • Centrifugal pumps are the most common pumps used by fire engines to pump water to the fire.
  • A power take-off arrangement from the internal combustion engine is used to drive the centrifugal pumps.
  • Electric motors are frequently used to drive small piston pumps that prime the main centrifugal pumps.
  • Pressure gauges are used to ensure that the system is operating properly.
  • Valves are used to control the flow of water from the hydrant and from the fire truck.

Question 2: Which of the following is used to drive the centrifugal pumps?

24 / 42

Answer the next two questions based on the following information.

Firefighters must routinely fight structure fires that require more water than is carried on the fire truck. Water must be obtained from a fire hydrant. This water is fed through fire hoses to the truck holding tank and then pumped through additional hoses to the fire as needed. Several mechanical devices are used in this process.

  • Wrenches are used to attach the hose to the truck and the hydrant and to turn the hydrant valve.
  • Centrifugal pumps are the most common pumps used by fire engines to pump water to the fire.
  • A power take-off arrangement from the internal combustion engine is used to drive the centrifugal pumps.
  • Electric motors are frequently used to drive small piston pumps that prime the main centrifugal pumps.
  • Pressure gauges are used to ensure that the system is operating properly.
  • Valves are used to control the flow of water from the hydrant and from the fire truck.

Question 1: Firefighters respond to an industrial fire. Water must be obtained from a hydrant one block away. What are four of the mechanical devices that will be used to get the water from the hydrant to the fire?

25 / 42

Answer the next three questions based solely on the information in the following passage.

Firefighters, in the normal course of their duties, may find themselves exposed to infectious/communicable diseases including hepatitis, meningitis, HIV, and tuberculosis. Potentially infectious persons may have no specific signs, symptoms, or complaints, and they may have no awareness of their potential to transmit their disease to others. Therefore, firefighters must take preventative and protective measures with each and every person to whom they respond to prevent or reduce the risk of direct exposure to communicable diseases.

Protective Equipment

Nonsterile latex and nitrile gloves are provided by the department and shall be worn when firefighters are dealing with all patients, blood, or bodily fluids in the course of their duties. If the firefighter has any open cuts or lesions on his/her hands, they should be bandaged.

When applying dressings to the wounds of injured patients or removing burn victims, direct contact with blood secretions should be as minimal as possible. Avoid handling other equipment or objects with contaminated gloves. Gloves are to be changed between different patient contacts; goggles shall be worn when splattering of any fluid may occur

When disposable gloves have been used, they are to be removed as soon as patient handling and exposure to body fluids is terminated. Firefighters shall not get back on the apparatus wearing contaminated gloves.

During extrication of trapped patients in vehicles, disposable latex or nitrile gloves shall be worn under leather rescue gloves.

All gloves, masks, shields, and TiVek gowns are disposable and should be left with the responding EMS crew in the appropriate biohazard bag obtained from such crew. In the event that no EMS crew is present, all contaminated disposable equipment shall be collected, put in a red plastic biohazard bag, and disposed of at a hospital.

Question 4: If the firefighter has any open cuts or lesions on his/her hands, he/she

26 / 42

Answer the next three questions based solely on the information in the following passage.

Firefighters, in the normal course of their duties, may find themselves exposed to infectious/communicable diseases including hepatitis, meningitis, HIV, and tuberculosis. Potentially infectious persons may have no specific signs, symptoms, or complaints, and they may have no awareness of their potential to transmit their disease to others. Therefore, firefighters must take preventative and protective measures with each and every person to whom they respond to prevent or reduce the risk of direct exposure to communicable diseases.

Protective Equipment

Nonsterile latex and nitrile gloves are provided by the department and shall be worn when firefighters are dealing with all patients, blood, or bodily fluids in the course of their duties. If the firefighter has any open cuts or lesions on his/her hands, they should be bandaged.

When applying dressings to the wounds of injured patients or removing burn victims, direct contact with blood secretions should be as minimal as possible. Avoid handling other equipment or objects with contaminated gloves. Gloves are to be changed between different patient contacts; goggles shall be worn when splattering of any fluid may occur

When disposable gloves have been used, they are to be removed as soon as patient handling and exposure to body fluids is terminated. Firefighters shall not get back on the apparatus wearing contaminated gloves.

During extrication of trapped patients in vehicles, disposable latex or nitrile gloves shall be worn under leather rescue gloves.

All gloves, masks, shields, and TiVek gowns are disposable and should be left with the responding EMS crew in the appropriate biohazard bag obtained from such crew. In the event that no EMS crew is present, all contaminated disposable equipment shall be collected, put in a red plastic biohazard bag, and disposed of at a hospital.

Question 3: Firefighters must wear personal protective equipment when handling patients who are ill or seem ill and when any suspected trauma is involved. What are four pieces of equipment that will be used for personal protection during EMS calls when providing care to patients?

27 / 42

Answer the next three questions based solely on the information in the following passage.

Firefighters, in the normal course of their duties, may find themselves exposed to infectious/communicable diseases including hepatitis, meningitis, HIV, and tuberculosis. Potentially infectious persons may have no specific signs, symptoms, or complaints, and they may have no awareness of their potential to transmit their disease to others. Therefore, firefighters must take preventative and protective measures with each and every person to whom they respond to prevent or reduce the risk of direct exposure to communicable diseases.

Protective Equipment

Nonsterile latex and nitrile gloves are provided by the department and shall be worn when firefighters are dealing with all patients, blood, or bodily fluids in the course of their duties. If the firefighter has any open cuts or lesions on his/her hands, they should be bandaged.

When applying dressings to the wounds of injured patients or removing burn victims, direct contact with blood secretions should be as minimal as possible. Avoid handling other equipment or objects with contaminated gloves. Gloves are to be changed between different patient contacts; goggles shall be worn when splattering of any fluid may occur

When disposable gloves have been used, they are to be removed as soon as patient handling and exposure to body fluids is terminated. Firefighters shall not get back on the apparatus wearing contaminated gloves.

During extrication of trapped patients in vehicles, disposable latex or nitrile gloves shall be worn under leather rescue gloves.

All gloves, masks, shields, and TiVek gowns are disposable and should be left with the responding EMS crew in the appropriate biohazard bag obtained from such crew. In the event that no EMS crew is present, all contaminated disposable equipment shall be collected, put in a red plastic biohazard bag, and disposed of at a hospital.

Question 2: What does the term preventative mean in the context of this directive?

28 / 42

Answer the next three questions based solely on the information in the following passage.

Firefighters, in the normal course of their duties, may find themselves exposed to infectious/communicable diseases including hepatitis, meningitis, HIV, and tuberculosis. Potentially infectious persons may have no specific signs, symptoms, or complaints, and they may have no awareness of their potential to transmit their disease to others. Therefore, firefighters must take preventative and protective measures with each and every person to whom they respond to prevent or reduce the risk of direct exposure to communicable diseases.

Protective Equipment

Nonsterile latex and nitrile gloves are provided by the department and shall be worn when firefighters are dealing with all patients, blood, or bodily fluids in the course of their duties. If the firefighter has any open cuts or lesions on his/her hands, they should be bandaged.

When applying dressings to the wounds of injured patients or removing burn victims, direct contact with blood secretions should be as minimal as possible. Avoid handling other equipment or objects with contaminated gloves. Gloves are to be changed between different patient contacts; goggles shall be worn when splattering of any fluid may occur

When disposable gloves have been used, they are to be removed as soon as patient handling and exposure to body fluids is terminated. Firefighters shall not get back on the apparatus wearing contaminated gloves.

During extrication of trapped patients in vehicles, disposable latex or nitrile gloves shall be worn under leather rescue gloves.

All gloves, masks, shields, and TiVek gowns are disposable and should be left with the responding EMS crew in the appropriate biohazard bag obtained from such crew. In the event that no EMS crew is present, all contaminated disposable equipment shall be collected, put in a red plastic biohazard bag, and disposed of at a hospital.

Question 1: According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT accurate?

29 / 42

Answer this question based on your best judgment and common sense.

During an EMS call, Firefighter Jones has a direct blood exposure with a patient who has a bloodborne disease. Which of the following actions should Firefighter Jones take immediately?

30 / 42

Answer this question based on your best judgment and common sense.

Firefighters operating outside buildings raising ladders, directing hose streams, or performing other external activities are not required to use respiratory protective equipment initially, but such use will be mandatory when operating on vehicle, trash, or dumpster fires; large uncontained brush fires; and while conducting roof ventilation operations. Additionally, any firefighter may use respiratory protective equipment at any incident to which such firefighter responds. Firefighter Smith is unsure if he should put on his respiratory protection during a fire incident, what should he do?

31 / 42

Answer this question solely on the basis of this map. The arrows indicate traffic flow; one arrow indicates a one-way street going in the direction of the arrow; no arrows represent a two-way street. You are not allowed to go the wrong way on a one-way street.

Someone at the junior high school has been injured and needs to go to the hospital. What directions would you give to the ambulance driver?

32 / 42

Answer this question solely on the basis of this map. The arrows indicate traffic flow; one arrow indicates a one-way street going in the direction of the arrow; no arrows represent a two-way street. You are not allowed to go the wrong way on a one-way street.

A civilian leaving the clinic needs to drive to the drug store. What is the most direct route for her to take?

33 / 42

Answer this question solely on the basis of this map. The arrows indicate traffic flow; one arrow indicates a one-way street going in the direction of the arrow; no arrows represent a two-way street. You are not allowed to go the wrong way on a one-way street.

What streets run north and south of the park?

34 / 42

Answer this question solely on the basis of this map. The arrows indicate traffic flow; one arrow indicates a one-way street going in the direction of the arrow; no arrows represent a two-way street. You are not allowed to go the wrong way on a one-way street.

There is a vehicular accident at the corner of Brown Street and 9th Avenue, and a fire has started. What is the most direct legal way for the fire engine to travel from the fire station to the accident scene?

35 / 42

Answer this question based on your best judgment and common sense.

Firefighter Green arrives at an apartment building for a routine inspection. During the inspection, she notices several fire safety violations in the building across the street. The best course of action for her to take would be to

36 / 42

Answer this question solely on the basis of this map. The arrows indicate traffic flow; one arrow indicates a one-way street going in the direction of the arrow; two arrows represent a two-way street. You are not allowed to go the wrong way on a one-way street.


. Firefighter Kearney has just had lunch at Jim’s Deli and is now heading west on Pine Avenue. She turns left on Lee Lane, then left again onto Pecan Avenue. She turns left on Main Street and finally turns right on Palmer Avenue. What direction is she facing?

37 / 42

Answer this question solely on the basis of this map. The arrows indicate traffic flow; one arrow indicates a one-way street going in the direction of the arrow; two arrows represent a two-way street. You are not allowed to go the wrong way on a one-way street.


Firefighter McElhaney is off duty and driving by the court house, northbound on Upton Street. He receives a call on his cell phone about a bomb having gone off at Ross Park on the Grove Street side of the park. He decides he may be able to be of some help. What is the most direct route for Firefighter McElhaney to take?

38 / 42

Answer this question solely on the basis of this map. The arrows indicate traffic flow; one arrow indicates a one-way street going in the direction of the arrow; two arrows represent a two-way street. You are not allowed to go the wrong way on a one-way street.


Engine 1 is eastbound on Kent Avenue at Lee Lane when a call comes in from dispatch about a gas heater explosion at a residence located at the northeast corner of Lynch Road and Mill Road. What is the quickest route for the engine to take?

39 / 42

Firefighter Caruso is washing a fire truck in front of the station when nine-year-old Joey Tremont asks if he would help get Joey’s kitten, Sugar, down from a tree across the street. After checking with his chief, Firefighter Caruso walks across the street and sees that he can easily reach the limb where the kitten is trapped. As he is pulling the kitten to safety, the kitten scratches him on the face. The next day, Firefighter Caruso’s face is swollen; the scratch has become infected. He must file a medical report. Which of the following reports describes the incident most clearly and accurately?

40 / 42

During a major snowstorm, Firefighter O’Neal is driving a fire truck along the 1200 block of Arden Drive, one of the city’s main snow routes. When the snow is more than two inches deep, residents are restricted from parking on streets that are designated snow routes. The snow on this day is already four inches deep. Suddenly, Firefighter O’Neal sees a parked car on the left side of the street and barely manages to drive the truck around it. When she returns to the station, she phones in a request to have the car towed. Which of the following most clearly and accurately describes the situation?

41 / 42

Answer this question based on your best judgment and common sense.

While reading the latest edition of Firefighters Magazine, Firefighter Pitt sees an article that explains a faster, more efficient way to connect a hose to a standpipe. She thinks this is a terrific idea that will save precious time at the scene of a fire. Which of the following is the most appropriate first action for her to take?

42 / 42

The fire department’s home fire safety escape trailer will be at your station during the month of June. At that time, each family in the community will be able to purchase up to three smoke alarms at a cost of only $3 each. Each family is also entitled to one fire extinguisher at a cost of $8. Which of the following statements describes the city’s new program most clearly and accurately?

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