SAAQ Passenger Vehicle Knowledge Practice Test 2024

SAAQ Passenger Vehicle Knowledge Practice Test 2024 There are a total of 50 multiple choice questions with answers for Quebec’s Driving Licence Knowledge test. This is an actual test of Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ) written exam.

To prepare for the SAAQ tests or to learn about the process for obtaining your licence, visit Obtaining a Passenger Vehicle Driver’s Licence (Class 5). Before you can hold a licence to drive a passenger vehicle (automobile), you must obtain a learner’s licence, pass the driving course, and then pass the SAAQ’s knowledge and road tests.

SAAQ Passenger Vehicle Knowledge Practice Test 2024

SAAQ Passenger Vehicle Knowledge Practice Test 2024

Test Name SAAQ Québec Driving Licence Knowledge Test
Language English
Licence Passenger Vehicle
Total Questions 50
Test Type Sample Practice Test
Test Preparation Theoretical Exam/ Written Exam
Province Québec
Topics Driving Knowledge
0 votes, 0 avg

Automobile (Passenger Vehicle) Knowledge Practice Test

Quebec Automobile (Passenger Vehicle) Knowledge Practice Test

1 / 50

What are the steps to take before turning the ignition key to the start (On) position?

  1. Apply pressure to the brake pedal.
  2. Check to see if the parking brake is engaged.
  3. Release the parking brake.
  4. Check whether the gearshift lever is in the park position (P).

2 / 50

The following statements concern seat adjustment and driving position. Which one is true?

3 / 50

You are driving a vehicle with a standard transmission. Is it appropriate to keep your foot on the clutch while you are driving?

4 / 50

In the situation illustrated, the greatest risk is:

5 / 50

What is the purpose of the high-mounted brake light?

6 / 50

In the situation illustrated, the greatest risk is:

7 / 50

What must driver 1 do?

8 / 50

Which statement is true?

9 / 50

Which one of the following statements is true?

10 / 50

Who is permitted to serve as an accompanying rider for a learning driver? Anyone who has held for over two years:

11 / 50

Your sister just got her Class 5 learner’s licence, and you have had your driver’s licence for a year. Are you allowed to serve as an accompanying rider when she’s practising on the roadway?

12 / 50

You are driving within the speed limit. A vehicle passes you. One of your passengers asks you to accelerate. What is your best course of action?

13 / 50

Which option or options below represent an advantage of eco-driving?

  1. Reduced fuel consumption.
  2. Reduced vehicle maintenance costs.
  3. Reduced accident risks.

14 / 50

One of your vehicle’s tires is underinflated. Which of the following statements are true?

  1. The tire may overheat.
  2. The tire may blow and you may lose control.
  3. This may extend the tire’s life a little.
  4.  Fuel consumption may increase.

15 / 50

You are in a bar with your friends. You are not drinking any alcohol, since you drove to the bar. Rounds are frequent and, each time, you must refuse the drink your friends offer you. Yet, they know that you don’t intend to drink. In this situation, are your friends putting negative pressure on you?

16 / 50

An underinflated tire:

17 / 50

In a collision, what does a properly adjusted headrest prevent?

18 / 50

Your child’s car seat buckle is hard to fasten so you decide to change it for one easier to use. Which of the following statements is true?

19 / 50

You are on your way to the convenience store with your 5-year-old brother. In the parking lot, you tell him to wait in the car a few minutes while you are in the store. Is this a safe thing to do?

20 / 50

Is driving in reverse permitted on a highway?

21 / 50

Indicate which behaviours violate a regulation among behaviours 1 to 5.

22 / 50

Indicate which behaviours violate a regulation among behaviours 1 to 6.

23 / 50

Which of the following options is/are associated with eco-driving?

  1. Trip preparation.
  2. Vehicle preparation.
  3. Budget preparation.

24 / 50

If you are driving a vehicle equipped with air bags, must you still wear the seat belt?

25 / 50

Which of the following is a sign that your brakes are working well?

26 / 50

In the majority of vehicles, the parking brake acts:

27 / 50

Indicate which behaviours violate a regulation among behaviours 1 to 6.

28 / 50

In the situation illustrated, the greatest risk is:

29 / 50

Under the law, if you are convicted of a first offence for impaired driving:

30 / 50

Indicate which behaviours violate a regulation among behaviours 1 to 6.

31 / 50

Which foot is used to apply the brakes?

32 / 50

What does a flashing or rotating yellow light on a vehicle indicate?

33 / 50

You have just bought some beach sandals. You intend to wear them to drive. Is this a good idea?

34 / 50

Is driving a vehicle equipped with a radar warning device allowed?

35 / 50

It is illegal to back up:

36 / 50

According to road safety research, what influence does the family environment have on driving behaviour?

37 / 50

Must the odometer be in good working order?

38 / 50

Courtesy at the wheel is:
1. Observance of the rules of the Highway Safety Code.
2. Politeness and good manners toward all road users.
3. A waste of time.

39 / 50

You are stopped at a red light at 4 a.m. On your left, the driver of a sports car challenges you to a race. Your friend sitting next to you does the same and mentions that, at that late hour, the road is always deserted. What is your best course of action?

40 / 50

If you are convicted of a refusal to submit to a breathalyser test or to provide a blood sample:

41 / 50

Your friend is worried about reducing fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. What would be good advice?

42 / 50

Which one of the following statements shows that you are a vigilant driver?

43 / 50

A driver is subjected to aggressive behaviour. Which statement or statements below indicate a good attitude.

  1. The driver should react to provocative words or gestures.
  2. The driver has good reason to lose his or her calm.
  3. The driver should make eye contact with the aggressive driver.

44 / 50

The following statements concern the parking brake. Which one is true?

45 / 50

You are late for a meeting and an older friend sitting beside you urges to go faster. You should:

46 / 50

Driver 1 wants to enter the boulevard on the left. Is the driver allowed to cross the solid lines to get there faster?

47 / 50

In order to avoid stressful situations that may lead to conflicts on the road, what must you do?

1. Avoid driving when you are tired.
2. Avoid driving when you are tense.
3. Listen to something funny or relaxing.

48 / 50

Ahead of you, a driver makes a wrong move and cuts you off. What is the best attitude to adopt?

49 / 50

Indicate which behaviours violate a regulation among behaviours 1 to 6.

50 / 50

You are driving your dog to the veterinarian’s. How should the dog be installed?

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The average score is 65%

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