Serving It Right Practice Test (Module 2) Quiz

Serving It Right Practice Test Module 2 Intoxication and Impairment. There are a total of 36 multiple choice questions, this will test your knowledge regarding Intoxication and Impairment. Therefore the question shall be, how do you prevent intoxication? And what can you do to stop someone from driving while impaired?

Serving It Right Practice Test Module 2 Intoxication and Impairment.

Responsible Beverage Service (RBS) programs like Serving It Right are designed to reduce these kinds of alcohol-related problems. In this module, you’ll learn about your role in making an RBS program successful through the three components of an effective RBS program:

  • Professional environment
  • Coordinated teamwork
  • Intervention strategies

Consistent implementation of the Policy will help ensure responsible beverage service, support staff and protect your establishment from unwanted lawsuits.

Serving It Right Practice Test Module 2

Name of the Test Serving It Right Exam
Test Type Practice Test
Topics Covered Module 2″ Intoxication and Impairment
Total questions 36
Passing marks 80%
Time Limit N/A
0 votes, 0 avg

Module 2 Intoxication and Impairment

Serving It Right
Quiz Question Answers
Module 2: Intoxication and Impairment

1 / 36

In B.C., police officers can enforce administrative and monetary penalties against a driver with a BAC of 0.05% or above.

Select the correct answer.

2 / 36

Alcohol makes you happy.

3 / 36

Truth or Myth?

Alcohol relieves stress.

4 / 36

You know that many factors affect how quickly someone will be intoxicated. Given each situation below, choose the patron more likely to become intoxicated first. Select the correct response.

5 / 36

A drink with 9-ounce pina colada is 13% alcohol.

Is this one standard drink?

6 / 36

B.C. law prohibits you from selling or serving alcohol to which of the following patrons?
Select all that apply.

7 / 36

You’re a bartender at a nightclub. It’s a busy night, and you notice all sorts of unpredictable effects and behaviour—you suspect combined alcohol and other drug use. Match each of the individual’s symptoms to the potential interaction involved.

Choose an option from each drop-down list. Then select Submit to check your answers.

Patron B has bluish-coloured skin and appears groggy

8 / 36

A rum and coke – 2 ounces rum (40% alcohol), 6 ounces coke

Determine whether each of the following drinks is less, more or roughly equivalent to a standard drink.

9 / 36

You’re a bartender at a nightclub. It’s a busy night, and you notice all sorts of unpredictable effects and behaviour—you suspect combined alcohol and other drug use. Match each of the individual’s symptoms to the potential interaction involved.

Choose an option from each drop-down list. Then select Submit to check your answers.

Patron C, who is muscular and in their 20s, stumbles into the wall, even though they’ve only had two drinks

10 / 36

Truth or Myth?

Alcohol cools the body.

11 / 36

Truth or Myth?

Time is the only thing that sobers you up.

12 / 36

Increasing the number of drinks consumed in a given time period will speed up the rate of intoxication.

13 / 36

Truth or Myth?

Alcohol helps you sleep better.

14 / 36

A pint of light beer is 16 ounces and 4% alcohol.

Is this one standard drink?

Select the correct answer.

15 / 36

You know that many factors affect how quickly someone will be intoxicated. Given each situation below, choose the patron more likely to become intoxicated first. Select the correct response.

16 / 36

Determine whether each of the following drinks is less, more or roughly equivalent to a standard drink.
A glass of red wine – 5 oz of 15% alcohol

17 / 36

Truth or Myth?

Alcohol improves coordination.

18 / 36

Eating a full meal will increase intoxication.

19 / 36

Martin is a male in his late twenties who weighs about 180 lbs. He started drinking at 4 pm, and by 7 pm, has had five standard drinks.

What's his Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)?

20 / 36

One of your patrons has only ordered one drink, but they appear visibly intoxicated. You can smell cannabis on their clothing.

The patron asks for another drink. Is it okay to serve them another drink?

Select the correct answer.

21 / 36

At the same weight, a person with more muscle generally becomes intoxicated faster than a person with more body fat.

22 / 36

You’re a bartender at a nightclub. It’s a busy night, and you notice all sorts of unpredictable effects and behaviour—you suspect combined alcohol and other drug use. Match each of the individual’s symptoms to the potential interaction involved.

Choose an option from each drop-down list. Then select Submit to check your answers.

Patron A is very excited and is breathing rapidly

23 / 36

Determine whether each of the following drinks is less, more or roughly equivalent to a standard drink.
A shot of soju – 2 oz, 20% alcohol

24 / 36

A glass of beer – 12 oz, 5% alcohol.
Determine whether each of the following drinks is less, more or roughly equivalent to a standard drink.

25 / 36

A dirnk gin and tonic is 2 ounces gin (40% alcohol) and 5 ounces tonic water.

Is this a standard drink?

Select the correct answer.

26 / 36

Sylvia is a female in her early forties who weighs about 150 lbs. She started drinking at 5 pm, and by 7 pm, has had three standard drinks.
What's her Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)?

27 / 36

Which of the following can help a patron sober up?

Select all that apply.

28 / 36

This gin and tonic is 2 ounces gin (40% alcohol) and 5 ounces tonic water.

Is this a standard drink?

Select the correct answer.

29 / 36

You know that many factors affect how quickly someone will be intoxicated. Given each situation below, choose the patron more likely to become intoxicated first. Select the correct response.

30 / 36

People can develop a higher tolerance to alcohol, and require higher quantities of alcohol to show signs of visible intoxication.

31 / 36

Someone in their 50s will generally become intoxicated faster than someone in their 20s.

32 / 36

Truth or Myth?

Mixing drinks causes greater levels of intoxication.

33 / 36

You’re a bartender at a nightclub. It’s a busy night, and you notice all sorts of unpredictable effects and behaviour—you suspect combined alcohol and other drug use. Match each of the individual’s symptoms to the potential interaction involved.

Choose an option from each drop-down list. Then select Submit to check your answers.
Patron D has consumed numerous shots and is dancing recklessly on the stage

34 / 36

Fatigue and stress make a person less susceptible to the effects of alcohol.

35 / 36

Females typically become intoxicated faster than males.

36 / 36

You know that many factors affect how quickly someone will be intoxicated. Given each situation below, choose the patron more likely to become intoxicated first. Select the correct response.

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