Serving It Right Practice Test (MCQs) Module 1 Question Answers

Serving It Right Practice Test Module 1: Alcohol and Your Legal Responsibilities- Multiple Choice Questions Answers.

This practice test is designed to give you the knowledge and skills you need to provide responsible beverage service at your establishment.  It’s critical that you read and understand all the patterns in this questions answers quiz. To obtain you’re Serving It Right (SIR) certificate, you must score 80% (This means answering 28 (or more) of the 35 questions correctly.)

Serving It Right Practice Test Module 1: Alcohol and Your Legal Responsibilities

Answering the questions and completing the activities throughout this test will help you learn and understand the practical application for your work. Responsible beverage service doesn’t end with SIR certification. You’ll continue to develop your skills through practice and work experience—you could even seek out further training. Remember, SIR certification must be renewed every five years.

Serving It Right Practice Test Module 1

Name of the Test Serving It Right Exam
Test Type Practice Test
Topics Covered Module 1: Alcohol and Your Legal Responsibilities
Total questions 30
Passing marks 80%
Time Limit N/A
0 votes, 0 avg

Module 1: Alcohol and Your Legal Responsibilities-

Module 1: Alcohol and Your Legal Responsibilities- Practice Test (Multiple Choice Questions Answers)

1 / 30

In order to legally operate a motor vehicle in BC, your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) cannot be at or above:

2 / 30

Which of the following will sober up an intoxicated person?

3 / 30

A pub offers live music on Friday and Saturday nights. The band that’s scheduled to play is a family group of a father and three of his children. Two of the children are in their early 20s. The drummer is 16 years old. Because one of the musicians is a minor, does the pub need to find and book a different band?

Choose the best option.

4 / 30

You work as a server in a bar that is licensed to serve liquor between 4:00 pm and 2:00 am. Are the following activities good practice, required by law, or prohibited by law?

3:00 am — Cash out and sign your time sheet

Choose an option from each dropdown list, then select Submit.

5 / 30

You work as a server in a bar that is licensed to serve liquor between 4:00 pm and 2:00 am. Are the following activities good practice, required by law, or prohibited by law?

2:45 am — You sip a beer while you finish cleaning up

Choose an option from each dropdown list, then select Submit.

6 / 30

Decide if liquor licensees/permittees, managers, or staff have a duty of care to patrons in each of these situations. Choose an option from each drop-down list. Then select Submit to check your answers.

A patron is not consuming alcohol, but has been seen consuming cannabis outside the establishment

7 / 30

Decide if liquor licensees/permittees, managers, or staff have a duty of care to patrons in each of these situations. Choose an option from each drop-down list. Then select Submit to check your answers.

A patron is consuming alcohol in the bar or restaurant

8 / 30

Are the following forms of identification acceptable as Primary I.D. only?

Select all that apply.

9 / 30

You work as a server in a bar that is licensed to serve liquor between 4:00 pm and 2:00 am. Are the following activities good practice, required by law, or prohibited by law?

2:00 am — You refuse to allow any more patrons to enter the bar

Choose an option from each dropdown list, then select Submit.

10 / 30

Is the following statement true or false?

Servers’ duty of care to patrons in licensed establishments applies only when patrons are actually in their care, that is, within the establishment.

11 / 30

You work as a server in a bar that is licensed to serve liquor between 4:00 pm and 2:00 am. Are the following activities good practice, required by law, or prohibited by law?

2:15 am — You remind remaining patrons that they must leave in the next 15 minutes

Choose an option from each dropdown list, then select Submit.

12 / 30

Are the following forms of identification acceptable as secondary ID only?

Select all that apply.

13 / 30

Which is NOT a sign of intoxication?

14 / 30

Is this valid as a primary ID?

15 / 30

Why is this ID not valid as a primary ID? What’s missing? (select all that apply)

16 / 30

A patron was intoxicated upon leaving a bar. He attempted to drive his own vehicle out of the bar’s parking lot and in doing so, wrecked two other vehicles correctly parked in the same lot. A court finds that the bar and the patron are equally responsible to pay the damages of $100,000 that resulted. Is the following statement true or false?

17 / 30

According to Canada’s Low-Risk Alcohol Drinking Guidelines, what is the maximum number of drinks a man should consume in a week, in order to reduce his long-term health risks?

18 / 30

You believe a patron is under the legal drinking age, so you ask to see two pieces of ID. You suspect that the first piece of ID is not legitimate, but you’re unsure. The patron gives you a credit card as a secondary ID. What should you do?

19 / 30

Licencees and servers today are still impacted by a landmark decision handed down by the Supreme Court of Canada in 1973. The case was Jordan House Hotel Ltd. versus Menow.

Menow had a history of becoming drunk and obnoxious at the defendant’s hotel. He had previously been banned. After the ban was lifted, the hotel employees were instructed not to serve Menow unless he was accompanied by a responsible person. On the night of the accident, Menow arrived with two other people, both of whom left early. From 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm Menow drank alone, becoming visibly intoxicated. When he bothered other patrons, staff ejected him. Menow was given a ride part of the way home and continued on foot, staggering along the highway, where he was hit by a car. Menow sued both the driver and the hotel. He claimed that the hotel had an obligation to take reasonable care to protect him, in his intoxicated condition, from personal injury.

Who do you think was responsible for Menow’s safety?

20 / 30

Decide if liquor licensees/permittees, managers, or staff have a duty of care to patrons in each of these situations. Choose an option from each drop-down list. Then select Submit to check your answers.

An intoxicated patron has been allowed to drive themselves home.

21 / 30

In Canada’s Low-Risk Alcohol Drinking Guidelines, is the recommended maximum alcohol consumption for women higher or lower than for men?

22 / 30

Which activities may fall under a licensee/permittee, manager or staff member’s duty of care?
Select all that apply.

23 / 30

Decide if liquor licensees/permittees, managers, or staff have a duty of care to patrons in each of these situations. Choose an option from each drop-down list. Then select Submit to check your answers.

A patron consumed alcohol but is now taking transit home

24 / 30

Decide if liquor licensees/permittees, managers, or staff have a duty of care to patrons in each of these situations. Choose an option from each drop-down list. Then select Submit to check your answers.

A patron who has been consuming alcohol, but does not appear intoxicated is leaving the bar or restaurant premises

25 / 30

Which documents set out the responsibilities of people who own, manage and/or serve liquor in licensed establishments?
Select all that apply.

26 / 30

You work as a server in a bar that is licensed to serve liquor between 4:00 pm and 2:00 am. Are the following activities good practice, required by law, or prohibited by law?

2:30 am — You ensure all patrons have left the bar

Choose an option from each dropdown list, then select Submit.

27 / 30

According to Canada’s Low-Risk Alcohol Drinking Guidelines, what is the maximum number of drinks a woman should consume in a week, in order to reduce her long-term health risks?

28 / 30

Select the people for whom drinking alcohol could be particularly risky—or even illegal. Select all that apply.

29 / 30

Imagine that you’ve cut off liquor service to an intoxicated patron in your restaurant and have arranged for a taxi to take her home. What else might be necessary to meet your duty of care?

Select the correct answer.

30 / 30

Decide if liquor licensees/permittees, managers, or staff have a duty of care to patrons in each of these situations. Choose an option from each drop-down list. Then select Submit to check your answers.

A patron is in the bar or restaurant washroom

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