Air Brake Test Practice: Z Endorsement Ontario 2025

Air Brake Test Practice: Z Endorsement Ontario 2025: Try our free Air brake systems technical questions and answers for the Ontario Truck Driver Licence exam. There are a total of 50 multiple choice question answers regarding Air Brake knowledge test.

A practice test for the MTO’s “Z” endorsement for trailer air brake systems. ailer air brake systems. For those upgrading to a truck and trailer equipped with air brakes. Gain the knowledge necessary to operate brake systems safely and detect faults in these systems. Upon successful completion of the written test, participants will take the practical test

Air Brake Test Practice: Z Endorsement Ontario

After successful completion of both tests, you will receive the ‘Z’ endorsement from the Ministry of Transportation. Students must bring proof of (at least) a full ‘G’ license. Air Brakes are used on some medium‐duty and all heavy‐duty vehicles. The air braking system is basically a series of valves forcing compressed air through the system to generate a constant supply of air which is then used to apply the brakes.

Test type AZ Practice Test Ontario 2025
Licence Type Commercial Truck Driver
Class Full G
Province Ontario
Test type Sample Practice Test
Total Questions 50 MCQs
Topics Covered Air Brake Z Endorsement
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Air Brake Knowledge Test

1 / 31

Which of the following component causes the compressor to stop pumping air and also cause the compressor to start pumping air again if required?

2 / 31

Where the air dryer is located?

3 / 31

Which of the following problems can occur if the mixture of moisture and oil that collects in the supply tank passes into the rest of the air brake system?

4 / 31

How does a break work to stop a moving vehicle?

5 / 31

Brakes convert the _____ of a moving vehicle into heat.

6 / 31

Which of the following method may use by a technician to temporarily disable a spring brake chamber when it is fail?

7 / 31

Which of the following brake system used compressed air?

8 / 31

What is compressed air?

9 / 31

Which of the following removes moisture from the air brake system?

10 / 31

How the normal pressure range of an air brake system is determined?

11 / 31

Air pressure is usually measured in ______

12 / 31

Which of the following braking systems are used on most large commercial vehicles?

13 / 31

Why Spring brakes are designed?

14 / 31

How do you prevent too much moisture and oil from collecting?

15 / 31

What is the function of an Alcohol evaporator?

16 / 31

To drive a vehicle with ________ braking systems in Ontario, you must have an air brake endorsement on your driver’s licence,

17 / 31

Which of the following chamber contains a flexible rubber disc called a diaphragm?

18 / 31

Which of the following prevents over-pressure of the air brake system?

19 / 31

Which of the following brake is called service brakes?

20 / 31

Actual cut-in pressure must never be less than ____ psi?

21 / 31

During a trip, you have noticed that the brakes overheat due to overuse or improper adjustment. What you must do?

22 / 31

What do you mean by low air-pressure warning?

23 / 31

When application pressure increases from ____ psi to ____psi, the stroke increases noticeably.

24 / 31

Actual cut-out pressure must never be higher than _____ psi?

25 / 31

What is the function of an air pressure gauge?

26 / 31

Which of the following tank uses two circuits system? (two circuits are referred to as the primary circuit and the secondary circuit.)

27 / 31

Which of the following brake system used the brake fluid?

28 / 31

Which of the following major brake types are used in air brake systems?

29 / 31

What is the minimum air pressure that must be supplied to the spring brake chamber to compress or “cage” the spring to release the spring brakes?

30 / 31

What is the normal air brake system pressure range?

31 / 31

Safety valves normally open at ____ psi.

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